How do I select a group of students based on achieved study points?
This manual describes how you can select a group of students based on achieved study points in Osiris Teacher - Counselor.

1. Click on the tab Progress
2. Click Yes for Student active if you want to see active enrolled students. Or click No if you want to see all students in the selected study program
3. Select with DEGREE PROGRAMME the study program and/or the start year of the student for which you want to check the study progress overview. You now find groups of students
4. Add the specialization if you want to see study results from students in a specific specialization
5. Add the MINOR if you want to see study results from students in a specific minor
6. or 7. Click on SEARCH

A list of students is shown.
NOTE, the ECTS mentioned here only include courses part of the program of this student (Comulsory, Restricted optionals and approved electives), so other achieved ECTS are not shown

8. Select all rows, or select the student you want manually

9. Select ACTIONS and click on Study progress (Excel) to get an overview of the credits obtained from the program in the last few periods. Click on Result Summary to get an overview of all credits obtained including credits not included in the program (use find, and replace .
You will get an Excel-list with all study results of the selected students. in this sheet you can select/sort columns to have the right results. For this manual we will use result Summary because that is the only way to see both the credits in the program and the other credits for a group of students in the same overview.

10. The credits from the program is shown here.
11. The other credits obtained (so not in from courses in the program) is shown here.
NOTE: to see a total of credits obtained by a student combine the credits from step 10 and 11. If excel cannot combine them you can use find and replace to turn all the comma's in dots.
How to save a personal selection can be found in How do I save a personal selection?
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