Education SupportOsirisOsiris for Study Adviser & Student DeanGeneralHow do I add a characteristic to one or more students?

How do I add a characteristic to one or more students?

This manual describes how you can add a characteristic to one or more students and how you subsequently can select this group. Only the person adding this characteristics can see the characteristic linked to the student. How to find one or more students is described in the manual ‘How do I find one or several student(s)?' in Osiris Teacher Counselor. 

1. Click on MAKE SELECTION and select all students manually or click on select all rows

NB. Click on ‘de-select all rows’ to remove the selection

2. Click with ACTIONS on Add characteristic

NB. It is possible to define a characteristic yourself; this characteristic is only visible for you (so your colleagues within the team do not see this).

3. To select students with a certain characteristic, add with STUDENT the characteristic you want to select, or click on the magnifying glass to select the characteristic
4. Click on SEARCH


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