How to register a study facility for a student

This manual describes how to review the request of a student for a study facility and link this facility to a student. The student dean can link these facilities to these students after the examining board has approved them

1. Log in via 

2. go to the grey bar at the top

3. On the right, select "Wageningen university beheer"

4. Click on "Request for facilities through student deans"

5. The assessment can be selected
6. Click on the student to go to more detail on the request 

7. The assessment can be selected
8. Click on the Facilities Request to go to more detail on the request
9. Click on Granted Facilities to select the facilities that should be linked to this student


10. An overview of the requested facilities
11. Any documents attached to the request

12. Select the facilities that should be linked to the student
13. Click save

  NB. The following steps should only be done when the examination board approved of the facilities.

14. Click on Approved as seen in step 7


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