How to create a note?

In Osiris Teacher Counselor you can make a note for a student. It is possible to define which part of the note is visible for the student. When visible, a student may respond to a note of a counselor. Besides this, also files can be linked to a note, which will then be visible for the student. A note can be shared with other counselors (such as deans) to make sure relevant information about the student is available for the right counselors. The student can also check who can see the note.

Note: only notes from students that were active December 2020 can be found in OSIRIS (if a student was not registered because of a "year off", you need to copy these notes form SPA yourself

This manual describes how to create, share and  adjust a note for an individual student in Osiris Teacher  Counselor.

Select student for which you want to create a note

1. Select a student by adding search criteria in the left selection field
2. Click on SEARCH
3. Click on the student you want to create a note for

NB. It is also possible to search for a note under the heading NOTES. However, here less criteria are available to search for.

Make a new note

4. Go to the tab Notes
5. You can see all notes you made and the notes created by others and shared with you. The notes are folded. When clicking on them, they unfold.
6. Click on the button NEW NOTE to make a new note

TIP: Click on the check box Show details to unfold all notes
TIP: Click here to print all notes
TIP: Click here to adjust existing notes
TIP: Click here to remove or print a note or to send a notification to a student
TIP: Deadline (optional): click on the check box to complete the action in the note

Adding a note

7. Date on which the note is created
8. Study program of the student
9. Owner of the note
10. Deadline (optional): add a date at which the actions in this note need to be completed. This note will now appear in your list of actions.

NB. When the deadline is reached, the note will appear on top of the list.

11. Subject: Check a subject (currently only one choice). Click on OK.
12. Attachment: Here you can add an attachment. These are always visible for the student. This can be turned off at Visible to the student.
Note: when you drag an email directly form outlook, the e-mail will be placed amongst your deleted items.
13. Type of note: This shows for which counselors the note is visible. The options include:
a. Visible for study advisors study program
b. Visible for study advisors and deans
c. SPA note (Conversion)
14. Note is shared with: Here it is shown what is the results of your choice in step 13
15. Vastleggen via formulier/tekst: Which type of form is used is standard Content and Decision
16. Visible to the student: Here you can determine which text fields are visible for the students. Content is automatically visible and Decision not.
17. Content: Shortly add what has been discussed in a meeting. This field is automatically visible, this may be changed in step 16.

TIP: This is the text field that is immediately visible in the overview of notes (when details are not shown). To keep this ordered, it is advised to keep notes short.

18.  Decision: When necessary, add more comprehensive notes here. This field is automatically not visible for the student, this may be changed in step 16.
19. SAVE: Click here to save the note.



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