Education SupportOsirisOsiris for Study Adviser & Student DeanStudent deanHow to pause/unpause a study facility request of a student

How to pause/unpause a study facility request of a student

This manual will show you how to pause a request for a study facility by a student. Pausing a request will remove it from the task list. The manual will further more show you how to unpause the request.

Pausing a request

1. Select the student of whom you want to pause the request.

2. Select Overview

3. Select the 3 small rounds

4. Select Pause case

NB. Pausing a request will not result in an automatic e-mail to the student.

Unpausing a request

5. Select Overview

6. make sure the status is Paused

7. Select the student

8. Select the 3 dots

9. Select Resume case. (Note do not click on the other 2 options, even when you want the decline the case)

10. Click on Resume case

NB. You can find the student with the new cases on the starting screen.


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