How do I approve (or reject) external courses?

A student needs to submit the electives for approval by the exam committee via the study advisor.

Attention points:

  • You only approve electives
  • Other changes from the described programme should be done (in consultation) by the examining board
  • A student needs to enroll for a specialization before submitting the electives in order to be able to graduate
  • Minor: a student must select a described minor (WUR) on forehand. You can see this title when approving
  • Individual minors must be requested (before submitting approval) via the examining board.
  • External course procedure can be found here. If it is an external minor, the minor can not be found in the course catalogue and an individual minor must be requested.
  • The following course are not to be approved: DUMMY Course (a student has to replace this course by the actual courses) and OWN Course (a student has to remove the "mark" ("vinkje") before submitting)

The moment a student meets the requirements of a study program and the program is approved, OSIRIS will see this as a moment for graduation (in many situations this will be the moment a students reaches the 120/180 ECTS). Even when the approved program contains more electives that still need to be completed. To prevent this an email must be send to SSC to prevent graduation.
Off course it is still possible to graduate with more than 120/180 ECTS.

Courses can be included in the program as electives (when they meet the requirement), or OSIRIS will show them as "Other Courses" and they will not be shown on the standard diploma supplement (but can be requested at SSC)  

This manual describes how to evaluate and approve / reject External Electives that where proposed by a student.

2. The start screen will show you whether there is a or multiple programs to be approved for your program. You can view more details by clicking on this messages

3. Here you find:
    1) The name of the student
    2) The comments made by the student
    3) Your possibilities as a study advisor, namely to see the schedule or assess the proposed electives

4. Choose the option assess proposal Electives

The courses will be shown as codes:
- Country code
- University code
- Course code

The name of the course can be found in the motivation the students ads as an attachment to the request for proposal.



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