How do I read a Study Progress Overview?
This manual describes what is shown in the study progress overview (SPO) and what it tells you as a study advisor. This manual follows after the manual ‘How do I print a study progress overview?’.
PAY ATTENTION: When reading a SPO it is important to keep in mind that OSIRIS shows what is known. A student can register himself/ herself for a specialization. When the student has not register for a specialization yet, OSIRIS will not show these courses as part of the specialization. OSIRIS does not had this information (yet) and can only place the courses here when a specialization is registered (you will see these courses in OSIRIS underneath "Other").
A SPO has multiple headings. In this manual we will walk you through from top till bottom.
The first part gives you information on the Study Programme
1) Student number
2) Date you printed/ derived the SPO
3) Degree programme: on which degree information will be shown (if a student does BSc and MSC, the BSc is shown before information on the MSc
4) Cohort: the year the student enrolled in the degree programme
5) Study programme: the programme that forms the base in OSIRIS for placing courses and monitoring progress (common part, specializations, Restricted Optionals)
Followed by the status of approval. In this example the electives are approved
6) Specialization: the specialization the student has registered in OSIRIS
In the second part the SPO in OSIRIS summaries the programme so far. The basic programme (BSc) consists of 180 ECTS that minimum has to be obtained (1). Up till now the student has obtained 168 ECTS (2). Because the 168 does not meet the criteria the student has not yet passes the programme (3) as is shown by the word "No". When a student has met all the requirements passed will show "Yes".
This student has no (0 ECTS) "other" course (courses that are not included in the programme). These courses do not appear on the diploma supplement.
The three colums as skown above will come back in the next part of the SPO:
Minimum credits to be obtained (1)
Credits obtained (2)
Passes (3)
The third part gives a more detailed overview of the basic programme. The basic programme consists of three main elements as shown in the grey lines:
1) Common Part
2) Specialization
3) Electives
An extra column is edit to the overview (1): type. In this column you can find whether a course is mandatory or restricted choice of minor or electives. We will walk them through under the heading "Specialization".
2.1 Compulsary courses in Spec. B: consists of 36 credits that are mandatory (and has obtained these credits)
2.2 Restricted Optionals (1) in Spec. B: there is a restricted choice, the student must obtain at least 6 ECTS (and has obtained theses credits)
2.3 Restricted Optionals (2) in Spec. B: there is a restricted choice, the student must obtain at least 0 ECTS (and has obtained theses credits)
2.4 Restricted Optionals (3) in Spec. B: there is a restricted choice, the student must obtain at least 0 ECTS (and has obtained theses credits)
2.5 Thesis in Spec. B: consists of 12 ECTS credits that are mandatory (and has not obtained these credits and therefore a "No" is shown and the grey line above (2 Spec. B - Consumer Studies) also shows "No" because 2.5 is part of 2.
In the next part the SPO gives a detailed overview of the courses and grades that are part of these main elements and sublevels. After the elements in the programme "Other" courses can be found as mentioned earlier.
Below you can find an example of more detailed information on the "Electives".
First you find the course code and name of the course, followed by the number of credits of the course. Next if the course is approved and the examination date of the course. Last column shows the grades.
If a student has an individual arrangement, an example is shown in the next image.
This shows where an individual arrangement was made (part of the programme) and what replacements are made.
At the end you can find an overview of obtained credits per period. In the last three columns you find:
1) Total of credits obtained in a year
2) Credits outside the basic programme (for instance extra courses from a second programme)
3) Average grade (calculated based on sufficient marks)
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