OSIRIS, the changes

A new systems means some adjustments were made. in this file we will address the changes for Study Advisors (SA).

SA = Study Advisor

PD = Programme Director

EB = Examining Board

FB = Functioneel Beheer

SPR/SVO = Study Progress Report / Studievoortgangsoverzicht

MOMI = Study Progress Monitor (Voortgangsmonitor)

Only applicable for international programmes: students holding residence permit need to obtain at least 30 credits per academic year (or 15 if students started in February). If they do not and if they do not have an excusable reason to obtain less than 30/15 credits, Wageningen University must inform the immigration services (IND). The IND can then cancel the residence permit.

‘Harde knip’ = means that you are only permitted to start master’s courses on the condition that you have successfully completed your bachelor degree and are enrolled as a master’s student. However, if a student has not yet received the marks for the last courses of the bachelor's programme that he or she has completed, but expects to receive sufficient marks for these courses within the two weeks after the start of the new course period, he or she may register for and start with master’s courses you wish to take that are given in that new period. If the last sufficient bachelor's mark is entered in time, the bachelor's examination date will effectively be after the starting date of the master’s courses you started with, but these courses will not be subject to the ‘harde knip’ rule.

Text printed in green, indicates that this procedure differs in Osiris



Old terms (NL/ENG):

  •           Vak / Course
  •           Major
  •           Vrije keuze / Optional part
  • Examen / Exam

New terms (NL/ENG):

  •       Cursus /course
  •       Specialisatie / specialisation
  •       Profileringsruimte / Electives
  •      Toets / Test
Old registration numbers

New Student numbers

A table with corresponding old and new registration numbers will be provided

Only dean can register excusable reason (MOMI)

SA (or PD) receives a list of students who did not meet the MOMI-requirement from SSC once a year; in case of an excusable reason, SA (or PD) informs dean by e-mail.

Dean and SA can register excusable reason (MOMI)

SA (or PD) receives a list of students who did not meet the MOMI-requirement from SSC once a year; in case of an excusable reason, SA (or PD) informs dean by entering the reason in Osiris. 

SA can’t register ‘mandatory’ RO courses

Technically, students could graduate without doing ‘mandatory’  RO0-courses, even if they were advised to do.

SA can register mandatory RO courses by means of an Individual Arrangement

Student can’t graduate without doing these ‘mandatory’  RO0-courses.

See also flow chart / process description

Making Notes

SA could only write notes for a specific student
SA can write one note for more students 
Date could not be changed
Date can be changed
One text field
Two text fields: content and decision
No attachments possible
Attachments possible
No deadline possible
Deadline possible (e.g., if follow-up is needed)
No possibility to share notes with others outside your team
Possibility to share notes with others outside your team, e.g. deans and students
No possibility to select specific notes
Possibility to select specific notes

Selecting Students

Complete name (including diacritic marks) had to be written to find a student
You can search for students by part of their names (in case of a double name) or a name without diacritic marks 
No possibility to select students in specific specialisations
Possibility to select students in specific specialisations
No possibility to add characteristics to a specific student or a specific group of students and select these students by filtering om the characteristics

Possibility to add characteristics to a specific student or a specific group of students and select these students by filtering on the characteristics

E.g., ‘my student’; characteristic can only be seen by yourself

Study Progress

All marks obtained a programme will be shown in one overview, even if student took two specialisations
Marks will be shown per specialisation on an Study Progress Overview
No overview of grades per course possible

Overview of grades per course possible

This enables students and staff to compare grades of a student to the results in a cohort
No possibility to make report of studying results student versus cohort
Possibility to make report of studying results student versus cohort
Study progress possible in Excel: only basis information
Study progress in Excel: more difficult to read, but more detail

Approval of programme

Examining board approved complete programme
Osiris approves common part and specialisations automatically, Examining Board approves electives only
In case of a deviation of the programme (in common part and/or specialisation): student asked for approval by entering the replacing course in his or her SPA-request. 

In case of a deviation of the programme (in common part and/or specialisation):

Students sends request by e-mail to SA, if approved SA forwards request by e-mail to EB. If approved, the  EB registers an individual arrangement in Osiris

See also flow chart / process description

In case of an individual minor or free programme:

Student asked for approval by entering the courses in the minor or optionals in his or her SPA-request.

In case of an individual minor or free programme:

Student sends request by e-mail to SA. If approved, SA forwards request to EB. If approved, the EB registers the courses in Osiris (in case of a free bachelor or free master programme, after FB prepared account student for free programme).

See also Flow chart / process description
Examining board adjusted ‘programme year’ 
FB adjusts ‘programme year’. 
Individual minor contained a name
Individual minor is nameless
SSC registered courses of pre-master courses in SPA

SA (or PD)registers courses of pre-master courses in Osiris by means of an Indivual Arrangement (after FB has linked student to pre-master programme)

      See also Flow chart / process descriptions

Different course codes for internship/thesis/Research Practice varrying in size (nr of credits)

Amount of credits fixed and shown in code

One code for internship/thesis/Research Practice

Amount of credits flexible 
Adjusting handbook year by EB
SA requests EB to change handbook year; examining board asks FB to apply

Extra course possible

These course will not be included in the average grade calculation, but they will appear on transcript

No extra course possible

All (completed) courses in common part and specialisation and completed courses in electives will be included in average grade calculation 
Master courses followed in bachelor visible
Master courses (electives) followed in bachelor not visible



Graduation if all courses in SPA are graded

If a student did not want to graduate, he or she entered an extra course in SPA, which he or she deleted before graduation.

Automatic graduation once the student gets all required credits for common part and specialisation and 180/120 EC in total.

If student wishes to postpone graduation, he or she sends en e-mail to the SSC. 
Date of graduation = date of registration last grade

Date of graduation = date of last test ;-)

If student completes his or her programme with thesis or internship, then date of graduation is date final meeting

Changes for students (nice to know)

Students submitted complete programme to a specific study advisor
Student submits programme via Planapp, not to a specific person
Students do not register for specialisation
Students do register for specialisation. Possibility for SA to select students from a specialisation
Students register for courses per period
Students can register for courses in the complete year
No possibility to arrange modifications or provisions necessary for engaging in education and taking exams
Students request and arrange modifications of provisions in OSIRIS (no seperate administation)
Harde knip: if student starts master before the bachelor is officially completed, student has to withdraw within two weeks after starting the master courses
Harde knip: if student starts master before the bachelor is officially, obtained,  student has to withdraw in the first half of the period
In period 1,2 5 and 6 that would be within the first four weeks, in period 3 and 4 this would be within the first two weeks
No automatic warning if student chooses overlapping courses
Planapp sends warning to students, if courses are overlapping
(In time SA can check by means of 'validate plan')

You are done. Great job!


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