How to enrol a student in an exam - via course search?
Students enrol themselves in an exam before the start of the examination period (Osiris uses the word 'Test'). They must do this on time (for deadlines, see the Examination Board's OER / R&R). If enrolment by the student is not possible, for example because the registration term has expired, the secretariat in Osiris Basis can still add a student (after approval of the Course coordinator).
After this enrolment, the student will automatically get access to the teaching materials on Brightspace.
More information on rules regarding enrollment and dis-enrolment? Read Rules, guidelines, deadlines, common problems regarding (dis-)enrollment
This manual describes how an individual student can be enroled in an exam for a course, the resit in February (RESITA), May (RESITB) and July (RESITC1/2/3).
Start screen

1. Click Student > Enrol Education > Course
or fill in the menu bar go to menu “2.4” and press enter
Select the course
2. Enter the course code in the Course search field
or search for a course via the magnifying glass under Course. For detailed intermediate steps, follow “How do I find my course in Osiris Basis?”, Steps 3 to 7
NB. The current academic year is pre-filled by Osiris.
3. Click on Search
4. Select the correct Starting block, the bar becomes green. Click on the black arrow in front of the course code of the course.
TIP: When you enter the correct Starting block (e.g. period, RESITA, etc.) already in the search field Block, then one will appear on the right screen.
Search the student
5. Click on Test - Enrol in the menu
6. If you know the student number: Click on the green plus at Select the students you want to enrol. Enter the student number in the empty field that just appeared, and go to step 12
7. If you don't know the student number: Click on the double green plus at Select the students you want to enrol

8. In the screen that now appears, enter searches that allow you to find the student
TIP: Use Advanced Search if you need more search criteria
NOTE: By default Student is active? on Yes. This means that Osiris only searches for students with a valid enrolment in a study program at the university. So leave to be sure that you only enroll students who actually have a valid enrolment at the university!
9. Click on Search
10. Click on the appropriate student that appeared based on your search under Select Students
11. Click on Add
Enrol the student
12. Check if you have selected the right student here (green bar)
13. Tick the box of the exam
NOTE: You will also see the current number of registered participants here (you can use this number at the end as an extra check)
14. Click on Enrol

NOTE: A common warning is the following: EXAM: Course is not in the student's exam program. You can ignore this.
15. Click on Ignore warning
NOTE: In the grey notification bar, a message is given that the action has been successfully completed. You also see that the number of participants in your exam has increased with one student. The student will receive an automatically generated confirmation email of enrolment for this exam.