What is Osiris?
Osiris is the Student Information System of Wageningen University. It is a software package with a set of standard functionalities which is used by many other Universities and Colleges. Each institute can (for some part) customize the software package, so it suits their educational organization best.
In this chapter is explained how Osiris is built up.
Osiris is a modular system and for each group of users there is a subsystem.
We have:
Osiris - Student

In Osiris - Student, students can view their results, monitor their study progress and register for or withdraw from courses or exams. Students also use the Osiris Planapp to plan their studies and request approval for free-choice programmes (electives).
If you would like to see what Osiris looks like for students, click on this link.
Osiris Lecturer/Supervisor (Osiris Docent)
In Osiris Lecturer/Supervisor, course coordinators and examiners can retrieve overviews of the students enroled in their course and enter grades (results) at the end of the period. They also have a practical link to the education catalogue (studiegids).
If you want to see how Osiris Lecturer/Supervisor works, click this link.
Osiris Basis (Osiris for Secretariat of chair groups)
Osiris Basis is, as the word says, the basis of all other sub-systems. Everything can be arranged via Osiris Basis. How you are authorized determines what you can and cannot see and do in Osiris Basis.
For further explanation of Osiris Basis, see the following manual How to navigate in Osiris Basis?
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