Who can enter grades and in which Osiris variant?

Osiris Basis / Secretarial office

The secretariats of all chair groups work in Osiris Basis, in which they can enter grades, among other things. In exceptional situations it may be necessary for a course coordinator to have access to Osiris Basis; this can be requested from one of the Osiris key users.

Osiris Lecturer / Supervisor

Course coordinators and examiners can enter grades for their own courses in Osiris-Lecturer. Secretariats can not enter grades here, except if they are registered as Administrative Procedures Support via the EMC-tool for a course. 


The Student Service Centre (SSC) does not enter grades. They have the authority to correct wrongfully entered grades. You can contact them by e-mail [email protected]. See also: How to correct grades that are incorrect or became available too late?

Arrange new authorization

Secretariat authorization Osiris Basis
To arrange authorizations for new secretaries a request can be send to one of the key users. For an overview who these are, look here or email [email protected]

Course coordinators/examiners authorization Osiris Basis
If for exceptional reasons a course coordinator/examiner with authorization for Osiris Lecturer also needs authorization for Osiris Basis, a request with clear motivation can be send to the key users ([email protected]).

Course coordinators/examiners authorization Osiris Lecturer
For each course the course coordinator & examiner that are published in the Study Guide, have access to Osiris Lecturer. For new course coordinators and/or examiners; their role needs to be registered in the EMC first. The current course coordinator can arrange this for next Academic Year. If it needs to be arranged during the Academic Year, please contact the editors of the Study Guide ([email protected]). When the editors added the new course coordinator/examiner to the course, Osiris automatically will be updated and also the authorization for that course.


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