Education SupportOsirisOsiris for SecretariatsENROL & DISENROL: Course, Test, Waiting listHow to disenrol a student from a course - via course search?

How to disenrol a student from a course - via course search?

While taking a course, students can decide (for whatever reason) that they no longer want to follow the course. They can disenrol themselves (up to the registration deadline) or submit a request to be disenrolled from the course (and therefore withdrawn from the exam).

Until approx. halfway through the period, the student can be disenrolled from the exam in Osiris Basis (note: this is the same deadline as for the student, so they can do this themselves).
We should never deregister a student for an exam.

ATTENTION, disenrolling a student for an exam is only allowed under two conditions:

1. The student request this before the middle of the period (i.e. before Monday week 4 (period 1, 2, 5, 6) or before Monday week 3 (period 3, 4));
2. the student has not yet completed a part of the official assessment (e.g. by submitting a report or completing a practical).

If one of these conditions is NOT met, the student has to get a NOGRADE or INCOMPL result. See below.

Why is this important?
If any of these conditions are not met, the student has demonstrably received education. In that case he may no longer be disenrolled, because this is contrary to the legislation regarding the "Harde Knip" (BSc before MSc).

When demonstrable education has been taken by the student (see definition above) you must enter a NOGRADE or INCOMPL and the student may therefore not be disenrolled for the course or exam. If the student has not yet completed compulsory components (e.g. completed an assignment or the practical), or has obtained partial marks, the student will receive NOGRADE (no LSG compensation). In other cases, an INCOMPL (with compensation LSG) must be entered as a result (see also: How to use result grade codes?)

Disenrolment from a course can only be done in Osiris Basis, of course in agreement with the course coordinator.

Read more in: Rules, guidelines, deadlines, common problems regarding (dis-)enrolment

This manual describes how to disenrol a student from a course when the two conditions are met.

Again, if these two conditions are met, the student should also be able to do this himself!

Start screen

1. Click on Student > Enrol Education > Course
or enter in menu bar go to menu “2.4” and press enter

Select the course

2. Enter the course code in the Course search field
or search for a course via the magnifying glass under Course. For detailed intermediate steps, follow “How do I find my course in Osiris Basis?”, Steps 3 to 7

NB. The current academic year is pre-filled by Osiris.

3. Click on Search
4. Click on the correct Starting block, the bar becomes green. Click on the black arrow in front of the course code

Search the student

5. Click on Course - Disenrol in the menu
6. Do you know the student number? Click on the green plus at Select the students you want to disenrol. Enter the student number in the empty field that just appeared and go to step 12
7. Don't you know the student number? Click on the double green plus sign under Select the students you want to disenrol

8. In the screen that now appears, enter searches that allow you to find the student

TIP: Use Advanced Search if you need more search criteria.
NOTE: By default Student active? is on Yes. This means that Osiris only searches for students with a valid enrolment in a study program at the university. When disenroling someone from your course, who has disenroled from such a study program, it might be that you cannot find this (ex-) student until your Student active? is set to No, or left empty.

9. Click on Search
10. Click on the appropriate student that appeared under Select Students based on your search
11. Click on Add (This may sound contradictory, but this will add students to your selection list. Only if they are on your selection list can you unsubscribe them.)

Disenrol the student

Final check: are you sure this student is elligible to be dis-enroled? See the warning at the top of the page or in: Rules, guidelines, deadlines, common problems regarding (dis-)enrollment

12. Check if you have selected the right student here (green shading)

NOTE: All parts / methods that the course has and for which the student must therefore be disenroled are already checked.
TIP: You will also see the current number of registered participants (you can use this number at the end as an extra check).

13. Click on Disenrol

NOTE: In the grey notification bar, a notice is given that the action has been successfully completed. You also see that the number of participants in you working methods and your exam has decreased with one student. The student will receive an automatically generated confirmation email of disenrolment of the course and exam.