How to navigate in Osiris Basis?

A lot can be arranged for a student through Osiris Basis. It depends on your Osiris 'profile' what you can see and do.

In Osiris Basis you can do much more than you are allowed to do!

Please make sure to be well informed about what is allowed to do in Osiris Basis and what not.  In every manual it is clearly stated what the rules are. We urge you to take good notice of these rules and recommend you to periodically read the manuals again. Osiris is not a static program, it is under development, therefore also the manuals might change.  If you are in doubt, first contact one of the Key-Users before you take actions.

This manual describes how to navigate in Osiris Basis.


1. The green navigation bar consists of two menus:
Education          - Here you control provision percentages of courses from your chair group
Student              - When you click on this menu, you can choose sub menus with activities related to students

2. On the grey status bar, notifications are shown after an action has been performed. For example: ‘The action 'course - Enrol' has been successfully executed’. Or informative messages for the user, such as how many rows were found from a search.

3. Below the grey bar, you will find a maximum of five tabs
Home - Through the home tab you will come back to the homepage of Osiris. Here you will find among other things, the link to Osiris Help with the manuals of WUR.
Other - The other tabs are the ones that you opened yourself. This can be maximum 4 tabs. When trying to open another one, you will get a pop-up screen asking you which tab(s) you want to close.

4. The star opens a list with self-set favorites

5. With Go to menu you can enter (part of) a menu number or screen name, to directly start this menu. Click on enter to confirm

TIP: if you leave it empty and just click on enter, then all the available sub-menus will be shown (for which you are authorized).

6. Below your name you will find personal settings (which you cannot change) and the option to sign out

7. With Search you can search for courses or students

8. By clicking on the flag symbol, you can set your language preference for Osiris to Dutch or English

9. The question mark opens a help text from the supplier of Osiris. You can access the WUR manuals through Home / Osiris Help 

Three important navigation screens

Before you can modify or look up something for a course or student, you first have to go to this course or student. To do so, you will always use one of the 3 main navigation screens, which are:

  1. Student - Search (Screen 2.1 Student - Search)
    • Register or unregister a course/exam for an individual student
    • Enter a grade/result for an individual student
  2. Enrolments and grades (groupwise) (Screen 2.4 Enrolments and grades (groupwise)- Search)
    • Register students groupwise for a course
    • Enter grades groupwise for an exam
  3. Reports (screen 9.2 Reports student)
    • Download a list of Passport Photos for a course
    • Download an overview of registered students for a course including requested facilities (voorzieningen)

Basis Menu screen

10. Enter your search arguments here (on the left side of your screen)

11. The search results are shown here (on the right side of your screen)

Osiris Terminology

In Osiris other terminology is used. This is a table with translations/explanations

Via keyboard shortcuts you are able to navigate without the use of your mouse.

Advice large screen

NOTE: It is highly recommended to use a large screen, this gives a better view of the overviews than using a laptop screen.  Even on a regular 15 inch notebook screen, many screens are collapsed, so you need to click on arrows to get to that screen. Be aware of that, if you can't use a large screen.

If you think you miss a table that is referred to in a manual, try to zoom out a bit (e.g. by holding CTRL and pulling the mouse wheel a bit towards yourself)

NB: If you work outside the Campus make sure your VPN is turned on or if you are working on a private PC or laptop, log in via MyWorkspace.


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