How to enter a result for an individual student?
In Osiris Basis it is possible to enter the results individually and in groups.
This manual describes how to enter a course result for an individual student in Osiris Basis. Secretariats cannot enter results for an MSc Thesis, Internship or Research practice. This only can be done by the assessors and examiners in Osiris-Case. See manuals: (New Procedure) MSc Thesis, Internship & Research Practice
Start screen

1. Click on Student > Grades > Individual > Test grades
or fill in go to menu 2165 and click enter
2. Under Personal details, enter a student number in the Student number
or enter a surname in the Surname search field (without diacritics). Enter the surname without prefix(s)
NB. Diacritic means the sign above or below a letter (e.g. é, ë, ñ, ç).
3. Click Search
TIP: Multiple selection filters are available via the Advanced search option.
4. Click on the black arrow in front of the student number of the student
5. Under Test grades, click on the course for which you want to enter a result
NB. If the student is not yet enrolled for the test period you want to register the grade in, you need to enrol the student first. Using How to enrol a student in an exam - via course search?
6. In the Tests at course block, enter the result, test date and lecturer.
NB. Never give a test date that is further than ten working days in the past! See What 'Test date' do I use at grade entry?
NB. The test result is now automatically signed, do not change this field.
7. Click Save. The result is now saved as draft
In the grey notification bar you can read "Transaction completed succesfully!"
Finalize the result
To finalize the result, follow these two steps:
8. Click Action: Make final, which is next to the Save button

9. In the pop-up screen, click Make final to confirm
10. Under Tests at course the Status changed from Draft to Final and in the grey notification bar is displayed: "The action 'Finalize test grades' has been succesfully executed"
NB. The grade is now visible for the student. From now on, changes can only be made by the Student Service Centre, ([email protected]), see How to correct grades that are incorrect or became available too late?.
If you want to check if the grades have been made final you can, please see manual How do I check if a grade has been made final?