Education SupportVariousBrightspace & Related Tools ManualsCONTENT: StatisticsStatistics | How to export course Content statistics for SCORM objects

Statistics | How to export course Content statistics for SCORM objects

Export statistics on course SCORM object by Content

- for Legacy SCORM Reports

To export overall statistics on the Legacy SCORM items in your course, in the Statistics page:

  1. Click Legacy SCORM Reports
  2. Click Export Statistics button if you want to export overall overview
Course content statistics - SCORM Report - Legacy

- for new SCORM Reports

To export overall statistics on the new SCORM items in your course, in the Statistics page:

  1. Click SCORM Reports
  2. Click Export Statistics button
Course content statistics - SCORM Report - Legacy

To export statistics on a specific SCORM item in your course, in the Statistics page:

  1. Click SCORM Reports
  2. Click tab Content
  3. Click on the [SCORM item name] in the list
Course Content statistics - SCORM reports

4. Click Export Report button to export this overview


5. Click on [student's name] to show and export even further detail.

Course Content statistics - SCORM reports - click on student name for report on student progress

6. Click Export Report button to export this overview

Course Content statistics - SCORM reports - click on student name for report on student progress - then Export Report

Whenever in the process you click Export Report button, a new tab in the browser opens with a clickable link to download the file. The file is always in .csv format.

Export statistics on course SCORM object by Users

This option is only available for new SCORM objects, and not for Legacy SCORM objects.

To export the general overview of students accessing the SCORM item(s) in your course content, in the Statistics page

  1. Click SCORM Reports
  2. Click tab Users
  3. Click Export Report button
SCORM Reports - overview by User

To export overview of a specific student and their overall access to all available SCORM items in your course

4. Click on [student's name] in the list

SCORM Reports - overview by User

5. Click Export Report button to export this overview

SCORM Reports - overview by User - export User activity

You can still obtain a deeper overview and export that detail by clicking on the [name of the SCORM item] in this view, then again Export Report button.

Whenever in the process you click Export Report button, a new tab in the browser opens with a clickable link to download the file. The file is always in .csv format.


Now you know how to export course Content statistics for SCORM objects in your course in Brightspace!


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