Progress | About the Progress tool in Brightspace

The Brightspace Progress tool tracks your students' overall progress individually. It serves as a way to see how each student is performing in the course.

In this article you will find information about:

Uses of Progress tool

You may want to use the Class Progress tool to do any of the following:

  • Monitor progress for any or all users in your course
  • View user profiles, email users, or instant message users
  • Track when a user accesses the course content
  • View feedback and submissions for assignments, discussion topics, and other assessments for individual learners
  • Track a user's grades, completion of learning objectives, access of content topics, participation in discussions, assignment submissions, quiz submissions, checklist completion, survey responses, and login history
  • Prepare progress reports
  • Set up Intelligent Agents for learners who are falling behind in a course (for more information click here)

The content must meet three criteria to be included in the learner's progress:

  • The learner must have access to the content
  • The content must be marked with a completion method of Required Automatic or Required Manual (for more information click here)
  • The content is not exempt (does not open outside Brightspace)

When content does not meet these conditions, the topics are not included in the calculation of the learners progress.

(Source: D2L)

Where to find the Progress tool?

The Progress tool is specific to a course and available for each course page in Brightspace. To access the tool from the Brightspace Course homepage click on Progress in the green navigation bar:

In your course page click on Progress in the green navigation bar

You will be redirected to the Progress homepage.

To learn about the available functions please continue to Progress tool homepage.

Other data tracking tools

Brightspace offers many statistics and reports that you can use to track students performance:


Now you know about the basics of the Progress tool!


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