Self-Assessments | How to create a Self-Assessment

Self-assessments are a type of assessment that will allow students to independently assess their knowledge as they navigate through the course. While similar to quizzes, self-assessments are purely designed for students to evaluate their progress while quizzes are more focused on teachers using them as a grading opportunity.

This article shows how to:

Create a self-assessment

Navigate to your course homepage. Then:

  1. Click on Assessment in the green navigation bar
  2. Then click on Self-Assessments to open the Self-assessment homepage
Click on Assessment in the green navigation bar, a drop-down menu will appear click on Self Assessments

On the Self-assessment homepage:

  1. Click on the blue New Self Assessment button to open the Self-assessment creation menu
Click on the blue button New Self Assessment

This will open the New Self Assessment homepage.

Give a give a name the New Self Assessment select the rest of the settings you wish to implement to the Self Assessment (Category, Hints, Page Header/Footer), then click on the blue button save and close
4. Give a Name for the New Self-Assessment

Give the self-assessment a clear name. This field is obligatory.

Also, this will be the name visible in the list of Self-Assessments on the Self Assessment homepage.

5. (Optional) Add Category

You can create a category to better classify your self-assessments by entering a name and clicking on Save.

The Category is one option as a filter on the Self-assessment homepage (the other one being Availability).

Add category pop up
6. (Optional) Hints

You can decide to allow hints while students complete self-assessments. Moreover, you can choose to shuffle the questions every time a student undertakes the assessment.

8. Click on Save and Close 

To store and close the Self-assessment creation menu or Save to simply store your progress.

You have now created your self-assessment. To further add/edit questions on your self-assessment:

  1. Click on the newly-created assignment
Click on the newly created self assessment
  1. Click on Add/Edit Questions
Click on Add/Edit Questions, once you've added all the questions, click on the blue button save and close

This option launches a new Question window to add questions to the assessment or edit existing ones.

For information on how to add a question to the self-assessment please follow: Adding questions to a Quiz

Adding questions to a quiz, add questions or import, follow the manual Adding questions to a quiz

Once you are done Adding/Editing Questions you will be redirected to the Edit Self Assessment homepage.

  1. Click on Save and Close to store and close the Self-assessment creation menu or Save to simply store your progress
Click the blue button save and close

You now know how to create Self-Assessments in Brightspace!

Want to know more about Self Assessment related topics?

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