Course Home | How to import/export a Calendar

This article will show you how to export your Brightspace calendar to your private calendar, like Google Calendar and the calendar in Microsoft Outlook.

This article will discuss about:

In the course homepage, navigate to the green navigation bar

  1. Click on My Brightspace
  2. From the drop-down menu click on Calendar
WUR Brightspace homepage - My Brightspace - Calendar

Enabling external calendars

1. In the Calendar homepage click on Settings. This will open the Settings pop-up menu.

Calendar page - Lecturer view - settings option

2. Tick the box Enable Calendar Feeds.

3. Click Save

Calendar page - Settings pop-up window

There should now be an option Subscribe. The Calendar is now set up to import and export calendars.

Calendar page - Lecturer view - Subscribe option

Export calendar from Brightspace

Brightspace will export the calendar as an iCal-link (.ics file). Make sure the importing environment supports this.

1. On the Calendar homepage, click Subscribe. This will open the Calendar Subscriptions pop-up window

Calendar page - Lecturer view - settings option

2. Under Calendar Subscription it is possible to select which parts of the calendar need to be transferred. Options in the drop-down menu are:

  • All Calendars and Tasks
  • Tasks Only
  • All calendar items of specific courses

3. Highlight and copy the URL. This can be used to create a link in the external calendar.

4. Click Close to close the pop-up window.


Calendar page - Calendar subscriptions pop-up window

The generated link will subscribe the external calendar to (parts of) Brightspace. Any changes in Brightspace will also be applied in the external calendar.

It is also possible to Download the calendar as a separate .ics-file. However, the download option is a one-time event; any changes in the Brightspace calendar will not automatically updated in the external calendar, but will have to be manually downloaded again!

Import calendar to Brightspace

It is possible to import calendar with activities to your Brightspace course from an external calendar.

  1. First select the calendar of the course where you want to import
  2. Click on the button Import Events
Calendar page - Lecturer view - settings option

A window pops out with the information about the course calendar where you are about to import the external events (you will see the name at the top of the window):

3.  Attendees - you can select to whom these externally imported calendar activities will be visible (whole class, or specific Brightspace group)

4. Click on Choose File button to search your computer for the calendar file

5. Click Import.

Import events - pop-up window - choose attendees and file to import

You can import only .iCal or .ics file types. File type .olm is not supported.

If you have another file type you can always try to upload it and see whether the system recognises it or not.

Before the system returns you to the Calendar homepage of your course, in the pop-up window you will see a confirmation of import.

6. Click Close to return to the Calendar homepage.

Import events - pop-up window - confirmation of import

Activities from the imported calendar will now be visible in the Brightspace Calendar of the course you chose and to the attendees you selected.


Now you know how to Import/Export a Calendar from Brightspace!



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