FeedbackFruits | How to create FeedbackFruits Learning activities

FeedbackFruits is one of the external learning tools that are integrated into Brightspace. FeedbackFruits is a suite of learning activities, such as Peer Review, Assignment Review, Interactive document, Interactive video etc.,  that provide students with opportunities to give and receive feedback related to a range of assessment activities.

This article shows how to:

How to add a FeedbackFruits Learning Activity in the course's content

Navigate to your course, in the green navigation bar,

1. Click on Content

2. Click on the preferred (sub)module

3. Click on Existing Activities, a drop-down menu will appear

4. Click on FeedbackFruits 

Click on the desired (sub)module, then on Existing Activities a drop-down menu will appear choose the Feedbackfruits learning tool you want to add

You are now in the FeedbackFruits homepage.

You can increase the window size by dragging the three diagonal lines on the bottom right corner.

  1. Click on FeedbackFruits tools, either on the sidebar or in the home page.

On the sidebar you can find 1. Homepage, 2. Your Library with templates you have created, 3. Previously created activities at WUR, and 4. FeedbackFruits tools.

  1. From the pop up window, select the activity you wish to develop.
From the pop up window select the activity you wish to develope

How to set-up a FeedbackFruits Learning activity

For this example, the Peer Review was selected to be displayed.

A new interface will appear

  1. Give the activity a name

You can edit the activity on fullscreen mode. Just click on the Fullscreen button.

Give the activity  a name

FeedbackFruits Peer Review Settings

Further settings of the FeedbackFruits Assignment review (Submissions, Giving feedback to the student work and received reviews)
2. Instructions
  1. Give an overall instruction for the assignment
  2. Click downward arrow next to Student collaboration settings
  3. Click Change to view collaboration options
Give instructions and select student collaboration to set up individual or group assignment
  1. Click on either Individually or As a Group to select the way to hand in the assignment
  2. Select desired Evaluate option from the following:
  • Hand in individually, review individually
  • Hand in individually, review within groups
  • Hand in individually, review outside of their groups
  • Hand in as a group, review individually
  • Hand in as a group, review as a group 
  1. Then click purple button Next
Select hand in individually or as a group and select review options as individually, within groups, outside of their group of as a group.

When hand in As a Groups option is selected, new page appears with the overview of group categories from the Brightspace course.

  1. Click downward arrow in the groups settings to expand all groups in the category
  2. Tick the box to choose which groups will participate
  3. Tick the box of group category to choose every group in that category
  4. Click purple button Done 
3. Submissions
  1. Click on exactly, a drop-down menu will appear. Select the required submissions (minimum, between, exactly)
  2. Click on the downward arrow next to the number 1 to choose the number of files each student has to hand in


Add additional instructions, deadline date and time click on arrow next to settings for extra settings
  1. Click on Scheduling deadlines.

It is set by default that the task has no end date. To display the deadline options:

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to "Never" and select "After a certain deadline", then
  2. Click on the Date and Time icons
  1. Click on File requirements and tick the boxes to allow the file types that students are allowed to hand in
Further settings will appear (Choosing required number of submissions, ticking the boxes next to the file types students are allowed to hand in, and the visibility of handed in work)
  1. Click on Anonymity. Toggling on Submitter anonymity allows the work to be submitted anonymously to peers but the submitters name is still visible for the teacher.
  1. Click on Visibility to select who can see the handed in work.
  2. Click on the downward arrow next to Only the allocated reviewer(s). A drop-down menu will appear where you select the visibility (only the allocated reviewer(s), everyone, only students who handed in)
  1. You can add optional instructions for handing in work but clicking on Guiding students.
4. Given Reviews
  1. Click purple button CONFIGURE to insert Feedback criteria
Click purple button Add to insert Feedback criteria

This will open a pop-up window

  1. Click on Create new criteria
Click on create new criteria

In the same pop-up, you can build your set of criteria.

  1. Click on either Add rubric, Add Scale rating or Add Comment Criterion. You can also copy a pre-existing criteria settings by clicking on Rubrics from My library.

You can select as many criteria sections as you like

Once you have finished building your set of criteria,

  1. Click on the purple button Done
Build set of criteria by adding rubrics, scale rating or and comment criterion, once finished click on done

This action will close the pop-up page,

  1. To select the number of peer to review, select the downward arrow next to the number 1.
  2. Toggle the Self-assessment switch to have students first review their own work.
Click on date and time icons to choose a deadline, then click on downward arrow next to instantly in order to choose when students can receive their feedback. For further Settings click on the downward arrow next to settings
  1. Click on Scheduling deadlines. Click on Never, a drop-down menu will appear. Choosing after a certain date will allow you to set a Date and Time for the hand in deadline
  1. Click on Allocations to select how the reviews are allocated.
  1. Click on CHANGE to select the Allocation method (automatically - one by one, Automatically - all at once, Manually, Students choose who to review).
  2. Click on CONFIGURE to override automatic allocation assignments and manually select what a student will review.
  3. The configuration for Anonymity, Visibility and Guiding students is the same as the previous section Submissions.
5. Received reviews

To enable that students write a reflection on the received feedback,

  1. Toggle the Feedback-feedback switch on
Write a rlection on the received feedback, click on button to turn it on

Under Scheduling deadlines:

  1. Click on the downward arrow

It is set by default that the task has no end date. To display the deadline options:

  1. Click on the button and select "After a certain deadline", then
  2. Click on the Date and Time icons

After the deadline passes, students can still read their feedback, but it won't count towards their progress. This deadline also applies for submitting a reflection on the feedback, if required.

6. Grading
  1. Click on CONFIGURE to adjust the grading scheme of the FeedbackFruits Peer Review
  2. Select the grading format by clicking on the downwards arrow next to Percentage (either Percentage or Pass/Fail)

In order to create a grade item in Brightspace after the grades have been published, please visit: How to add a grade item post-published to FeedbackFruits Learning Tools

Configure the grading scheme of FeedbackFruits Peer Review

If you have Feedback-on-feedback on in the Received review section, you can include whether a student has completed rating the peers who reviewed them based on the quality of their feedback to their grade.

Saving the FeedbackFruit Peer Review

  1. Click on the Save  purple button on the top right corner

Now, you have created a FeedbackFruits Peer Review in your (sub) module

Click on the purple button Save

This action will redirect you to the (sub)module, were the FeedbackFruits Peer Review will appear

FeedbackFruits appears in the desired (sub)module in Brightspace

How to copy from an existing activity

As soon as a Feedback Fruit assignment has been created in a course, it can easily be copied.
Follow the steps 1 to 6 above to add a FeedbackFruits Learning Activity.

Once you have selected the type of activity you wish to develop,


This action will show a list of all the FeedbackFruits activities that have been created in the courses you are participating in.

In the pop-up click on Use copy from existing

From the list that will appear,

  1. Select a template that you have previously created from My library or choose a recently created template.
  2. Click on the Assignment you wish to copy
  3. Click on USE

This action will create an exact copy of the activity, which can be edited accordingly

List of Assignments

It is also possible to save an activity as a template by clicking on  "SAVE AS TEMPLATE". In that way, next time you want to add one to the content of your course it will be easier and quicker.

As soon as you save the activity, you will be directed to the Content module's page, where a copy of it will appear.

Preview the assignment in the content of the course

Now you know how to create and copy a FeedbackFruits Activities in Brightspace!


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